Board of Directors
The EM/ANB Inc. Board of Directors (the “Board”) is responsible for the strategic direction taken by EM/ANB INC. and, through the Chief Executive Officer (the “CEO”), for ensuring that the appropriate management processes are implemented to achieve this strategic direction. The Board is responsible to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations.
On the recommendation of the Minister of Health, the Board is comprised of up to 12 members, including the CEO as a designated non-voting member. The Board works closely with the Senior Management Team of EM/ANB INC. to ensure the quality of care and services provided by the New Brunswick Extra-Mural Program and Ambulance New Brunswick as well as the effective, efficient use of human, physical and financial resources.
Our three year strategic plan Transforming Community Care Together identifies four strategic directions and emphasizes the importance of engaging patients and families, our community partners and our employees.
For a list of regulations and definitions governing the general operations of the Board, please consult the by-laws.
- Organizational Chart
- Board Members
- Board Committees
- Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2018
- Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2019
- Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2020
- Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2021
- Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2022
- Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes 2023
- Administrative By-Laws
- Board Policies
- Strategic Plan
- Annual Reports